Reef Tiger integrate personality and charm into the creation. The first time launched Reef Tiger Aurora Pioneer series watches. The large size of watch case (φ46mm).

Illusion visual art lens:

Illusion visual art is a visual effect which uses of people's illusion, make the static pattern acting like dynamic. Reef Tiger capture such elements to put the fantasy 3D visual effect into the small dial. The unique visual dynamic effect acting like to it will go out the lens.

Mechanical texture dial:

The designer designed the Aurora Pioneer watch dial carving and the use of shading reflect the conjecture of the future, full of technology.

Ergonomics Case

The 46mm watch case smooth and streamline, and the ball-shape crown inlay with a rubber ring. The heavy watch case match of the refine curved lugs, so close to the wrist, comfortable to wear, yet express individuality.

Crazy horse strap

With passage of time, the special lines of crazy horse strap will become rich texture, adding a bit of retro color to the Aurora Pioneer series watches. Imported rubber with same color cotton thread, soft and breathable, bringing the best wearing feeling.

Precision chronograph movement

The core technology of this watch is its Reef Tiger RT6205 Automatic movement. The Automatic is completely show in our eyes. Its exquisite movement is so compelling and amazing.

As the gossamer of the escapement will be affected by the tightness or metal fatigue, and the balance wheel also affected by gravity, ordinary mechanical watches have big error. But the Automatic movement speeder has play a significant role in overcoming such kind of affects.